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Sunday, 27 March 2011

Role of Technology in UDL

The role of technology in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) has had tremendous

successes in classrooms all over the world. Teachers and students can have more

resources and materials that are flexible to meet the needs of diverse learners.

Additionally, UDL has also made its mark in other fields so that individuals can

have equal opportunities to operate especially in the global community.

"To create a UDL environment in general or special education classrooms, teachers

need materials and methods that incorporate these three principles" (Greatschools).

"Variations in presentation can make the same text more accessible to all students,

especially those with learning disabilities" (Greatschools). With UDL content area

texts can be presented in electronic format which can be:

1. read aloud using screen reading software
(useful for students with reading problems)

2. changed to different print sizes, colors, spacing, or highlighting
(helpful for students to see and remember

3. printed as a personalized copy
(helpful for most students)

4. copied and pasted into outlining or graphic organizers
(particularly useful for students who find organizing information difficult)

5. creates to include dialogue, music, sound effects, and video clips
(helpful to students who learn through more sensory involvement)

"Because UDL assumes each learner brings individual strengths, needs, interests, and

limitations to the classroom, flexibility in curriculum and teaching methods

increases access to learning - just like curb cuts and ramps increase physical

access" (Greatschools).



  1. I would like your thoughts on this topic.

  2. Hello Kerry-Ann!

    I am all for implementing technology in classroom instruction and beyond. The use of digital technology addresses the learning styles and needs of our students, and provides the differentiation needed to scaffold content instruction. Whether in a collaborative project or individual research, students are able to access a multitude of resources that stimulate their creativity.

